Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Amazing April!

Happy April!

Spring has sprung and all that. I hope allergies aren't affecting you. I wanted to share some BIG NEWS with you. It's something I thought might never occur. Just goes to show life has a way of surprising us, sometimes in a bad way, but sometimes in a good way. Read on, brave reader!

The Big News:
After years--seriously, years and years and years--I'm working hard on Murder by the Mile, the long-awaited third book in The Measurements of Murder™ series. It's been delayed enough that the world has changed significantly. Fortunately, the town of Ryton, Oklahoma, hasn't; it's still just as cozy and dangerous as it always was.

"And why is this Big News?" you may ask. ... I said you could ask; go ahead. ... Okay, I will tell you since you asked so nicely. A few years back, on a beautiful July 3, I suffered a "neurological event." This prompted lots of doctors, therapy, medication, etc., to deal with lots of problems. It was probably a stroke of some sort per my doctors, although my MRI showed no permanent damage. My balance is off and remains so; I use a cane now. (Looks dapper, I think.) Worse, though, was my loss of memories. Stories, books, and poems that I could quote from--to the annoyance of those around me at times--disappeared. And my life memories had huge gaps in them. Scary and discouraging. I doubted my talent. I doubted me. Things that seemed so simple were hard; it took a while to adapt and to learn how to do things working around my new limitations. And frankly, I didn't think I could hold a story in my head again. Other than humor and short inspirational pieces, I kind of thought my writing career was done.

Fast forward to a year ago: I started to host a thrice-weekly writing room, Writing Room Prime. I mostly used that time to work on humor, Sunday Service with Stephen, and publicity. But as I watched the other authors write, I thought, hmm, can I do that again? Maybe. So I pulled out the uncompleted Murder by the Mile, gave it a thorough read-through and new edit, and now I'm writing again. Frankly, It feels good. 

I am not confident enough to give a release date...yet. But as soon as I feel the story will be completed, I'll let you know. Send me prayers, positive energy, or any other supportive vibes as I tackle fiction once more. Also, cash is always appreciated in case you want to show your support in that way! Just (not) kidding. 

You can find all my books on Amazon, including my latest collection of humor, Floozy Goes Forth. Click here for my Amazon Author Page!

Personal news:
- I have a doctor's appointment and tests coming up this month. It's my trice-yearly checkup that mostly focuses on keeping my diabetes under control, which is often a struggle. I have to keep making the right decisions each and every day even if Big D doesn't always cooperate. Diabetes is a scourge, and I hope someday there will be a cure.
- I am slowly adopting another cat. This one lives outdoors, and I doubt it will ever make it inside, but it is young so we will see. If nothing else, I'm going to try to help it as much as I can; the life of an outdoor cat is often short and brutal. Please, please, please, spay or neuter your pets. it's good for them and your community.
- We've started tornado season here. Unlike football season, this is not a time I look forward to. For one thing, I need to get my front porch cleared up and put the tornado-watching chairs out. If you live in Oklahoma, you know what I mean.

Joke of the Month: 
George: "I just read a book about helium."
Jeff: "Oh, was it good?"
George: "Yeah, I couldn't put it down."

Quotes of the Month:
"You do not find the happy life. You make it.” — Camilla Eyring Kimball
“Happiness is not something readymade. It comes from your own actions.” — Dalai Lama

I'll let you get back to your life now. May April bless you with health, happiness, and love. We'll chat again in May.

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