Sunday, July 17, 2022

Big Table God

Luke 14:15 — “Blessed is the man who will eat at the feast in the kingdom of God.”

My God is a Big Table God. He has an infinitely-sized table at which everyone is welcome, no matter skin color, ethnicity, looks,  gender, denomination, political bend, environmental views, almost-anything-we-think-divides-us. It’s a huge table filled with good eats, and at this table, people are laughing and talking and sharing and they’re waiting for you.

Some people serve a Tiny Table God. You have to be the correct color, hold the correct political views, and be the correct gender to sit at that table. You have to be biased against the other people, all those who are different from the so-called correct. Your sins have to be the acceptable sins, the ones that they themselves might indulge in. All other people—they must stand by and starve as they watch the acceptable ones gorge themselves. The starving people might protest, but fortunately, a good-sized Bible makes a great club if a person wants to use it like that.

That’s not the Big Table God. 

That’s not my God.

It’s the Tiny Table God.

You might be familiar with the Tiny Table God. He’s vengeful, shallow, bigoted, judgmental, self-righteous, quick-to-anger, and terrible in His fury, the heavy-handed father whose children cringe at His approach. Because we’ve created so many gods in the past, we think this God should conform. He should support who we vote for, shower forgiveness only on those we find worthy, and grant prosperity and good health only to the right people. We loudly preach of His miracles, but in the same breath, we deny His endless grace, boundless mercy, and infinite power. He’s beyond our understanding, and we resent it and attempt to force Him into a box that we can control and understand. Except...God won’t be put into any human box. 

No, he’s a Big Table God.

At His Big Table, you will see all sorts of people, many of whom might surprise you, but all of them are His children. Over there gather the Assembly of God and the Baptists, next to the Methodists and Episcopalians, and they’re sharing countless, marvelous casseroles. The Catholics offer fantastic Mexican and Italian dishes with plenty to share. Must not forget to mention the Latter Day Saints who never let an attendee to a church dinner go hungry. The Greek Orthodox are waving us over for dolma and moussaka. The Asian church folk graciously offer nikuman, pad krapow gai, and sinangag. So many nationalities, so different, but all the same at heart. They’re all part of the church of the Big Table. People are everywhere and sharing everything, including warm hugs and lots of true love. There’s singing and talking and endless introductions to people who are delighted to know the real you.

But of course, you know who’s sitting at the head of the table, the Host of All Creation. He’s smiling and laughing, and He’s waiting for you to join Him. 

He’s beckoning you over.

God is waiting for you.

"For God so loved (you) the world that He gave his one and only Son (Jesus Christ), that whoever believes in Him (you) shall not perish but have eternal life.”—John 3:16.

Come sit at His table.

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