Wednesday, April 2, 2014

B is for Bond

"Bond. James Bond." And with that iconic line, the original action hero introduces himself to people that he will be soon either be loving or killing and sometimes both. I grew up on the Bond films and even read the Bond books and short stories. I'm among that small crew that likes Roger Moore's Bond best, mostly because his movies were bigger and funnier.

But I confess here: I often found myself rooting -- well, not rooting -- maybe admiring the villains. After all, they build things: hovercrafts, lasers, solar ray satellites. Amazing things. One of them built an underwater city; one of them built a space station. Admittedly, there's that whole pesky destroy-the-world plan, but otherwise, they're doing great work.

Bond, on the other hand, just blows things up. You always know where he's been by the trail of destruction he leaves. Even Q only makes devices to destroy Bond's enemies. Where is His Majesty's Secret Space Station? Nowhere, that's where.

Bond villains, of course, always lose, mostly because they spend their time bragging about their plans instead of SHOOTING BOND ON SIGHT. If I were a Bond villain, the movie would go like this: "Bond. James--arggggh" And then I would proceed to conquer the earth.


  1. My favorite Bond is Pierce Brosnan. I was a fan of his when 'Remington Steele' was on -- and said then that he needed to play James Bond.

    You're absolutely right about the villains. I'm going to guess only Batman has a larger and more iconic rogue of bad guys.

    Thanks for sharing. And I'm looking forward to your C post.

  2. Visiting on day 3 of the #atozchallenge with all my fellow writers. I appreciate all the hard work it takes to participate. I hope you make many new blogging friends.

  3. I talked about villains on my A to Z post today too (well, for C). Bond villains are a great example of characters who seem to have a little more fun than the main character. They are so iconic. Even the Muppets Most Wanted had a moment where alter-ego Kermit wore steel teeth like Jaws.

  4. Of course you would! That's precisely why they have never asked you to be a Bond villain. :)

    Jean, visiting for the A-Z Challenge from Rantings and Ravings of an Insane Writer

  5. Thanks for dropping by, Stepheny! I went by your blog, too!

  6. JC, I liked Pierce a lot. The movies were saggy, but he was great. I was sorry to see him go.

  7. Stephanie, thanks for dropping by. And good luck with the Challenge!

  8. Jean, I suspected as much. But I would be such a great world ruler. It's sad, really.
